Downloading file from the landing zone

Dan and I decided that one way to document the performance of HPCCFuseJ is to compare the performance of HPCCFuseJ with the browser-based download. Browser-based download involves despraying a thor file and then downloading it from ECL-watch. However, we ran into roadblock since I could not find the login credential for the Linux box (containing the landing zone).

One of the possible ways to circumvent this problem: is to use the URL from ECLWatch and trigger a download from the command line. Sidenote, we wanted to precisely log the time required for each download. Hence, we wanted a command line utility to perform the download.

The following is the process of finding the URL for download (using Chrome):
1. Open the landing zone in ECL Watch and select the file to download
2. Go to Chrome > More Tools > Developer tools > Console
2. trigger a download and the URL would show up on the console.

This link (from step 3) can be used to download the file. (code)


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